Useful links: HTML5 Document Outline, Ugly Code?, RWD

Did you see the post where Steve Faulkner called the HTML5 Document Outline a dangerous fiction? Go read it, especially if you’ve been teaching it.

Ugly Code for Hidden Pictures or playing with canvas, as I like to call it, has some interesting ideas for coding with canvas.

10 Things You Need to Know About Responsive Web Design is an Adobe Dev article. It’s an excellent overview of the topic.

Useful Links: Online Education, HTMLDevConf slides, Twitter counts

An Honest Look at Online Education is helpful and comprehensive.

A collection of links to slide decks from the HTML5 Developer Conference.

Assessing My Personal Gender Bias on Twitter is a terrific post by Terence Eden. Are you ready to put some arithmetic to your gender bias?

Useful Links: Section elements, CSS Exercises, Twitter/Storify

Using the HTML5 Section Element is very helpful.

Interview Questions and Exercises for CSS. This post is about how to interview someone you want to hire as a CSS person, but the exercises would be terrific in a classroom. Take a look.

Storify’s embeddable stories now listed under Twitter’s related headlines section. This is really a useful connection. From a research point of view this will save so much time. From a publishers point of view, it will bring in more traffic.

Revisiting some HTML5 posts

HTML5 is a frequent topic on Web Teacher. I thought I’d remind you of some of the posts I’ve published about it in the past. One of them might be just what you’re looking for.

Useful links: Cite, code examples, carosels

On citing quotations. Again. Bruce Lawson offers some ideas to correct the problems regarding the cite element in HTML5.

Best practices for code examples. That’s not the way I’ve been doing it. Sigh.

A while back Jared Smith said just don’t use carousels, but here is a post from Access iQ about how to make them accessible. Carousels and Slideshows: accessibility for developers.

Useful links: web education, srcset, design errors

Is Web Design Education Under Appreciated and Dying on the Vine? An important discussion started by Bill Cullifer at

Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute explains Webkits support for srcset.

5 Signs You’re Falling Short in You Web Redesign Project. What to lookout for.