Summary of eHow articles for December

December moon

The bare trees of December reveal a full moon rising over the Sandia Mountains. Happy holidays!

These are the articles I posted at eHow this month.

In the article called How to Have a Website on a Budget, you’ll find a list of every article I’ve posted at eHow up to now that talks about sites that provide free web design and hosting plans.

What’s hot here and at eHow

Here are my most popular articles at eHow right now:

And right here at home, these articles at Web Teacher are getting the most attention:

Summary of eHow articles for November

We call this Tai Chi position lift hands

Every fall the sandhill cranes return to the Rio Grande bosque and the wetlands along the Rio Grande for wintering. Watching them is a favorite annual activity. This year my Tai Chi instructor suggested we do Tai Chi with the cranes in an Open Space area near the river. A previous Open Space visitor left behind this small toy, which seemed to do Tai Chi with us, at least the lift hands part of the form.

In between several days a week of Tai Chi, I wrote these articles for eHow.

Another great place to observe the sandhill cranes and a multitude of other wintering birds is the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, near Socorro. For those of you not from the southwest, bosque is Spanish for wood or woodland. The term is used here to mean any low-lying area near the Rio Grande, densely forested with cottonwoods and other deciduous trees.

What’s hot on eHow

Here are some of my most popular articles right now on eHow:

Summary of eHow articles for October

Hot Air Balloons

Ah, October, that sweet time of year when the mornings are cool and the afternoons are warm, when the New Mexico skies are filled with bobbing color and the mass ascension at the Balloon Fiesta is more than enough reason to rise at 4:30 AM. But not before writing something for eHow:

What’s Hot on eHow

Some of my most popular posts on eHow: