If you celebrate anything this holiday season, I wish you happy days. May you enjoy celebrating the occasion with people you love, doing things that make you happy.
Category: blogNews
Web Teacher’s Top 10 Posts of the Year
Here’s what hit the sweet spot with readers on Web Teacher this year.
- Tip: Styling the label element with CSS
- Style a fieldset with rounded corners using CSS
- 10 Quotes All Graphic Designers Should Know By Heart
- Style Fieldsets like a Pro
- ARIA Roles 101
- Tip: What is a Wrapper Div?
- Three examples of fieldsets styled with CSS
- How to make HTML5 semantic elements more accessible
- Best 5 WordPress Plugins for Managing Multiple Blogs
- CSS3 Transitions: The basics
Thanks for reading!
Announcement: Blog Changes
I’m changing my blogging schedule here at Web Teacher. Instead of posting every weekday, I’m only going to post once or twice a week when I have a substantive post on a relevant topic.
I’ve been at this blog for 12 years, I’m ready to step back a bit.
There will be no more Useful Link posts. I’m leaving that whole area in good hands with Deborah Edwards-Onoro who posts a wonderful weekly roundup of web development and design resources on her blog. I suggest you subscribe to her blog, or follow her on Twitter at @redcrew.
The resources available in The Women in Web Education Daily and HTML5 News will still be coming your way with daily updates on topics of interest to web designers, web developers, and web educators.
I’ll still be happy to run guest posts if they fit in with the content here at Web Teacher.
My goal with this change is to concentrate on more helpful tips and tutorials and step back a bit from all the curation and listing of helpful material elsewhere.
Thanks for being a reader, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new focus on fewer posts with more instructive content here at Web Teacher.
Useful links: dialog element, going green, surveillance
A Preview of the New Dialog Element comes from Treehouse. A new HTML element – that’s exciting news to me!
Did you try out the Ecograder tool that James Christie told us about yesterday? Web Teacher came out pretty high on the green scale, but there are a high number of http requests. One of the things I’m going to do to cut back on them is stop linking to photos on Fllickr as decorations in the useful links posts. Just words, folks. Hope you can live with it. After a discussion with Denise in Fads and Fashions, I had resolved to use more images, but have reconsidered that plan. The other fast way I see to reduce http requests is to get rid of the Flickr widget in the footer. I’ve had a Flickr widget on this blog for years because I personally enjoy it. I am 100% sure none of you readers care about it at all.
eyes on the street or creepy surveillance? danah boyd brings up serious questions that responsible adults need to be thinking about.
Popular Posts
I love those popular posts widgets, but I don’t have room for one here on Web Teacher. Today I want to share some of the most popular posts on this blog to make up for that omission. If you missed them the first time, please take a look.
Big Personal Announcement
Announcement: I’ve officially lost my mind.
I started a new blog. Not about technology. It’s Old Ain’t Dead and is about pop culture. With this blog and my writing prompt blog, First 50 Words, that makes 3 blogs I am attempting to keep up on a regular schedule.
If you have any interest in pop culture come pay me a visit. It’s only been online for one day so there’s a lot of work yet to do, but it’s a start.
My most popular outbound links
I post a lot of outbound links here. Frequent useful links posts and frequent mention of resources for teachers mean a lot of outbound traffic. I thought it would be fun to see where you are going based on all the links I promote and suggest here. This also tells me something about what you are interested in learning.
By a large margin, most people go from here to the W3C page that describes ARIA roles. Links to various parts of this page such as the ARIA banner section or the ARIA complementary section are counted individually, with the total number of clicks adding up to almost 6000. There are a few other pages at the W3C that get traffic from me, but ARIA roles are predominant. I feel oddly proud that I’ve sent 6000 clicks about ARIA roles in the direction of the W3C.
The next most visited links going out from here go to amazon.com. Since I’m not making more than about $10 a quarter from Amazon affiliate links, I think most of you are looking at books but not buying once you get there. That’s fine with me because making money off affiliate book sales isn’t what I’m all about. I simply want to help you find the best books for teaching or learning.
After these two pack leaders are accounted for, the next most popular links leading away from here go to my home page at vdebolt.com, to old posts I wrote for eHow several years ago, to Carsonified, to WordPress, and to BlogHer.
Beyond that are a wide range of destinations with fewer numbers: Flickr, Twitter, and a whole lot of individual blogs and sites.
If any of my links to resources outside this blog have taught you or informed you in any way, then I’m happy to have been helpful.