Foundational HTML talk from Emily Lewis

Get to know Emily Lewis, who will be on a panel at SXSW Interactive this year. This is a recent talk she gave to a local tech group called Webuquerque. She talks about the basics of good markup, semantics, and new concepts in markup. It’s about an hour long.

I think it would make a good resource or assignment for web education students.

A text summary and the slide deck are available on the Webuquerque site.

Other speakers and talks from Webuquerque meetings are available on Vimeo.

Useful links: HTML5, Fast Company lists

Removing the Details and Summary Elements at Burningbird is an extremely well organized and rational response to an issue ongoing in the development of HTML5 right now.

Fast Company listed the most influential women in tech. It’s all good, but the most interesting list for web geeks is the evangelists list, which includes Shireen Mitchell, Shaherose Charania and Angie Chang, Allyson Kapin, Molly Holzschlag, Debbie Weil, Cindy Padnos, Addison Berry, Susan Scrupski, Pamela Jones, Laura Fitton and Gina Trapani. . . . Many of these women are pictured in the Women in Tech Flickr Group, where there are over 200 images and growing.

5 awesome HTML5 demos from Designer Daily is a good list. I’d add this excellent demo by Brian Arnold from a recent Webuquerque event.

Standards and Accessibility with Dreamweaver

Yesterday Emily Lewis and I gave a talk for Webuquerque. Here’s  the presentation:  Standards and Accessibility with Dreamweaver.

The slides are posted on Emily’s blog, A Blog Not Limited. Emily explained the principles and goals of developing with web standards and best practices, then I gave some demos in Dreamweaver to show how to implement the standards in that software environment.

Emily shares the leadership of Webuquerque this year with Jason Nakai, who made a video of the presentation. The video will provide some extra context for the slides and show the live demos in Dreamweaver, as opposted to the screen grabs you see in the slides. I’ll let you know when the video is ready.

Double teaming at Webuquerque

Tonight’s meeting of Webuquerque will feature Emily Lewis and myself double teaming on the topics of standards, accessibility and doing it all with Dreamweaver.

I’ll put up a link to tonight’s presentation tomorrow, but for now you can check out a presentation called Achieve Accessibility with Dreamweaver that I gave way back in 2005 to the New Mexico Macromedia Users Group, which was a prequel to Webuquerque. The 2005 version of Dreamweaver lacked many of the new accessibility helps available in CS4, but the principles are still the same.

And, more importantly, the 2005 version of the talk lacked Emily, who has  a great deal to add the topic.

I’ll be bringing a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Classroom in a Book to give away with the other schwag.

Hope to see you there.

Useful Links: Twitter hashtags, Imagine Cup, microformats, a CSS presentation

Twitter hashtags, a competition for students, microformats and a CSS presentation. More . . .

What’s that Hashtag? New glossary of tools for Twitter at Contentious is a good list of links to helpful Twitter tools, including the new site Tagref where you can register a hashtag.

Students will be interested in the Microsoft Imagine Cup Competition, a global Technology Student Competition focused on solving real world issues.. To learn more, start at Web Designer Wall.

Emily Lewis, from A Blog Not Limited, announced a deal with Peachpit to write a microformats book. I know she’s going to do a top notch job, and look forward to being one of her first readers. Emily honored me with a little shout out in the announcement on her blog. I’ve mentioned her work before in a number of places: here, herehere, and  here, as well as there, and there.

Speaking of Emily Lewis, she and co-leader Jason Nakai of the Webuquerque section of the Albuquerque Adobe Users Group gave a program about CSS last night. Here are a few tweets and a photo from the event. One of the tweets includes a link to the presentation.

vdebolt: Coolest thing I learned at #webuquerque tonight was about DustMe Selectors from @jnakai.

about 9 hours ago

queenofgeek: Woo Hoo! I won Dreamweaver CS4 Classroom in a book at the Adobe User Group Meeting! Thanks @webuquerque!

about 9 hours ago

brianarn: Awesome presentation tonight at @webuquerque – wish I could stay for geeks who drink. Hopefully next time! Good stuff!

about 10 hours ago

ashdhart: Link for CSS slideshow #webuquerque

about 10 hours ago

ksilver: #webuquerque @emilylewis is showing some cool css tricks.

about 10 hours ago

ksilver: #webuquerque sounds @jnakai had his full in this project; he suggested to take small steps.

about 10 hours ago

ashdhart: Learning great CSS tips from @emilylewis and @jnakai #webuquerque

about 10 hours ago

ksilver: #webuquerque learning how to cleanup legacy css.

about 10 hours ago