Useful Links: Clown Car, Screen Choice, Teens Online

Estelle Weyl explains Clown Car Technique: Solving Adaptive Images In Responsive Web Design in this article at Smashing Magazine. This is the full story from the originator of the idea and is worth attention.

Tech Crunch says As TV Falls Apart, Tumblr And Twitter Aim To Pick Up The Pieces. The thing this article does not mention is that we choose which screen to pay attention to based on the quality of what we’re getting from the screen in question. The quality on TV is failing, not the medium of TV itself.

McAfee Digital Deception Study 2013: Exploring the Online Disconnect between Parents & Pre-teens, Teens and Young Adults shows that parents don’t really know what their kids are doing. Teachers and parents should take a look at this study.

Useful Links: Web Developer Toolbar, Pinterest, WCAG levels, Responsive Images

I urge all my students to use Chris Pederick’s Web Developer Toolbar. Recently Cynthia Says, which the toolbar uses for a number of tests, added CAPTCHA. Here’s an article that tells you how to replace Cynthia Says with the WAVE tool in the Web Developer Toolbar. Since WAVE is a far better tool than Cynthia Says, this is a good idea for everyone anyway, even if Cynthia Says hadn’t suddenly rendered itself inaccessible.

Pinterest for Designers has tips for getting started with Pinterest and using it to support your brand. The part of the article I found most interesting was the list of boards to follow for ideas about typography, print design, web design, package design, color, logos, and general inspiration.

Responsive Images – Interim Report from Bruce Lawson lays out the current state of things.

Understanding WCAG Level from Karl Groves can help you come to grips with WCAG priority levels.


Useful links: Producing content, Mozilla Webmaker, Accessibility and Responsive,

How to be the King or Queen of Your Own Online Content has tips to help you find ways to keep posting good content over the long haul.

Mozilla Webmaker is offering a free online course in digital literacy.

Several experts from UX Matters take on the question of how accessibility and responsive design do (or don’t) work together.

Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content: Video from Karen McGrane

This is Karen McGrane’s talk at the BDConf in April 2012, but I just discovered it. It’s extremely important information about the future of the web and content publishing. It’s a year old, it’s an hour long, and it’s completely worth your time.

You can read a transcript at Karen McGrane’s site in Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content (video, slides, and transcript, oh my!)

Here’s how Karen McGrane introduced herself during the talk, in case you aren’t aware of how valuable her insights can be.

So I do a lot of work with publishers, mainstream publishers. I led the redesign of the New York Times a few years back. I’ve dragged more magazines kicking and screaming onto the Internet that I can count. I’ve done lots of work with Condé Nast. I did the redesigns of the Atlantic and Time Out and National Journal and Fast Company. I’m doing a little bit of work right now with Time-Life. And I really like talking about the challenges that publishers face in relation to broader content strategy challenges that lots of other organizations are going to face. Because I think publishers, they’re like the canary in the coal mine: they face some of these content challenges more acutely, they have to adapt to changes in their environment more quickly.

Karen McGrane – Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content, BDConf, April 2012 from Breaking Development on Vimeo.

I admit that part of the reason I’m so enchanted with this speech is because it says so well what I’ve been trying to say for some time in Web Teacher’s Seldom Asked Questions and Keep it Clean: Your Blog and Clean HTML.

Useful Links: ADA rules may expand, flexbox, Think Responsively

DOJ May Apply ADA Accessibility Guidelines to Websites explains what is under consideration in terms of expanding the ADA rules to apply to public websites in addition to the government websites it already requires.

Chris Mills wrote a terrific tutorial about Advanced cross-browser flexbox for Dev.Opera.

Deborah Edwards-Onoro used Storify to put together a summary of Ben Callahan’s Think Responsively talk from an Environments for Humans webinar.

Useful links: A11y, mobile navigation, responsive design

Sandy Wassmer asks, The End of Accessibility? in .net magazine.

Also at .net, Aaron Gustafson wrote Mastering Mobile Navigation.

Excellent tips from Trent Walton in When Making the Transition to Building Responsive Websites, the Hardest Part can be Getting Started.

Useful links: Liquidapsive, women and CES, @supports

Liquidapsive enables you to demo a site done as static, liquid, adaptive and responsive. Nice to use with students or clients.

Women are the major electronics buyers. What happened at CES 2013 that actually appealed to women?

I’m officially making fun of that potty with the iPad attached until they make one for full-sized commodes. What’s your position on iPads in the john?

@supports API lands in Firefox nightlies examines which browsers currently are heading toward support for @supports.