My favorite bloggers who hardly ever blog

I have blogs in my feed reader that I look to hopefully every week, although new posts don’t appear from the blogs in question very often. But, when a new post does appear, it was worth waiting for. Who are these quiet folks, so seldom heard from?

There are also some blogs I read just because the writers are so amazingly good at writing. They don’t have anything to do with web tech or education. These great writers include

Twitter for Writers

SouthWest Writers

SouthWest Writers is a large organization of writers, most of whom live in New Mexico. This week I presented an introduction to Twitter for the SouthWest Writers group. I explained a few of  the reasons why Twitter can be helpful to a writer. The slides are available on SlideShare: Twitter for Writers.

I talked for quite a while (they had to drag me away from the microphone) and the questions were excellent.