Can We Talk at Web Directions North?

Are you going to Web Directions North?

Can we talk? More. . .

Are you going to Web Directions North?

Can we talk?

I’ll only be there for a full day on Tuesday. During that day, I’d love to talk to you. Here’s why. I want to write two blog posts when I return from WDN.

One post will be for this blog. This one will be “Profiles of the Men at Web Directions North.” It will be a photo and paragraph about any man who will stop and talk to me a minute and let me take a photo. Give me a card so I spell you name right, tell me why you’re there and what you do. The elevator speech version. A quick profile. Picture your photo and a paragraph about you. That’s it.

The other post will be for Blogher. This one will be “Profiles of the Women at Web Directions North” and will be the same idea, featuring women. A photo, a profile, that’s it.

If you don’t want your picture taken, that’s fine. I’ll do text only; I’m open to new profile possibilities.

I do as many “women in tech” posts as possible for BlogHer. When I had this idea I was thinking I would only talk to women. Then I thought why not include the guys and put a post about men here instead of on BlogHer. Equal treatment–no gender discrimination. Geeks and geekettes. You get the idea.

Send me an email (virginiaATvdeboltDOTcom) or tweet me  (@vdebolt) or leave a comment. Let me know if you’re willing to get profiled.

I’m easy to spot due to my gray hair and the camera hanging from my neck. Look for me. (If you have any thoughts to trade about agism and  gray-haired old gals at tech conferences, I’ll save them for another post. But gray-haired old gals really do stand out in a geeky crowd.)

Talk to you soon . . .

The thing to do at Web Directions North

The popular conference Web Directions North will be running a full day workshop called Ed Directions North: Education the Next Generation of  Web Professionals. Here’s a quick description of it:

Ed Directions, a highly focused, in depth whole day symposium will  help teachers, trainers, course and curriculum developers, and others  in the education field keep abreast with the latest developments in standards and best practice, and to develop and deliver the best  possible curricula and courses.

Other presentation will be given on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Accessibility  best practices by industry leaders including Dan Cedarholm, Ben Galbraith & Dion Almaer, Dave Shea, and Derek Feathrestone. Each  presentation will be followed by information about how to fold these concepts into the classroom.

When: Feb 2-7
Where: Denver Co, USA
Info: Ed Directions North – Educating the next generation of web professionals is on Feb 3.