6 Best Plugins For Securing Your WordPress Based Website From Hackers

Master lock, "r00t" password
Photo by Schill via Flickr

Most everyone that has a WordPress website or blog does so out of the necessity to be creative and to generally express the thoughts that are screaming to dome out of your head onto paper (or in this case the screen). That effort to be me is where I get most of my fuel to carry on even on the worst days of cyber-attacks. A favorite quote comes from henry Ward Beecher, – In himself is a man’s true state of riches and power.

As most of you know WordPress is the very popular software that allows each of us to be who we perceive ourselves to be. With its ease of use and versatile approach to fulfilling each individual’s needs WordPress opens the doors to the virtual universe.

Thesis WordPress themes are responsible for that seamless creative time that you spend when setting up your site. But users beware! As great as this software is for the majority of people who are not techies, WordPress offers a wide open opportunity for hackers.

Thesis WordPress themes are great software products and it is an absolute necessity that you spend the little extra time that it requires to secure your blog or website against invasion by the cyber scum that inhabits our planet! With its vast library of plugins users can seamlessly manage their website without the added expense of a webmaster.

My Top 6 Selections for 2012 Best WordPress Security Plugins

1.  Akismet is a program that checks comments left on your blog or website to see if they appear to be spam and then allows you to review the spam it does catch through the blog “Comments” admin screen. Akismet comes pre-installed with Thesis WordPress themes, and once you apply for and install your API key you will find the controls for it in your options panel in your Dashboard.

2.  Website Defender WordPress Security plug-in is a free and comprehensive security tool that helps you secure your Thesis WordPress themes installation and offers suggestions for strengthening your passwords, securing your database, and lots more.

3.  BackWPUp is a plugin that backs up your Thesis WordPress themes files and database and store them wherever you decide.  You can schedule automatic backups and pick out which folders and tables you want to backup.

4.  WP Security Scan raises the level of the security for your Thesis WordPress themes installation. It does this by scanning your site for security issues then suggests the methods you can use to fix them.

5.  WP Secure plug-in provides security for your Thesis WordPress themes installation by hiding your plug-in directory and WP version from hackers and others. This is important to do because the cyber scum that inhabits our virtual world use the version and the list of plugins to locate one that they have hacked before to hack their way into your blog!  Add this plug-in to protect your website or blog.

6.  WP-MalWatch is designed to alert you when hackers have invaded your blog. When hackers do get into your Thesis WordPress themes blog site, they infest your site or blog with links to their sites. When you know they have invaded you can take the necessary actions to remove them from your world.

It is very advisable that you only use the plugins that are approved by the WordPress folks. They always test each plugin prior to posting it as available on their website. This is in no way speaking ill of the third party plugins that abound on the internet. It does suggest that you must do your own investigation of third party products so that you get a feeling of trust from the vendor.

Worrying about the safety of your site is not nearly as productive as installing the proper plugins to ensure that safety. Spend the time that it takes you to install the plugins that will protect your site!  Like William Plomer once said, – The power to connect the seemingly unconnected lied within creativity.

Guest Author Bio: As a freelance writer and research hound Jason Monroe is a young (mid 20’s) single man adding content for clients from within the WordPress Dashboard.  Jason has been online since 2003 and has been a huge fan of WordPress and the StudioPress themes since their inception. When he’s not writing premium WordPress Genesis themes reviews you might find him spending quality time with nature by walking the nearby mountain trails.

Web Teacher finally went mobile

Web Teacher on an iPhone with WPtouch styling

I feel like I need to apologize for taking so long to add a mobile friendly plugin to this site. Years ago, I created a print style sheet for the site, but I never made a stylesheet for handheld media.

Now there’s a plugin that does it for me. I recently installed the WPtouch plugin for WordPress. This easy-to-use plugin restyles your site into a mobile friendly appearance for iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini, Palm Pre, Samsung touch and BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Torch.

The thing I especially love about WPtouch is that there is an option at the end of the page for folks viewing the mobile version to see the standard version instead. So users can pick whichever way they want to see the site.

It’s a great plugin.

It’s free.

If you’re not using it with your WordPress blog, I suggest you check it out.