In case you were wondering
about my effort to communicate with FotoFlexer described in Smackdown: Picnik, FotoFlexer and Photoshop Express, I haven’t heard a single word back from them.
Tips, web design book reviews, resources and observations for teaching and learning web development.
about my effort to communicate with FotoFlexer described in Smackdown: Picnik, FotoFlexer and Photoshop Express, I haven’t heard a single word back from them.
Katie Fehrenbacher, Alexis Madrigal, Sarah Rich, Jennifer Schlegel. Ya shoulda been here–they were serving Mimosas. Jennifer is the moderator. Katie is the editor of Earth2Tech. This is a business based site featuring green tech companies, mostly from the Silicone Valley. Sarah edits an off the grid section about green building at The focus here … Continue reading “SXSWi: Ten Ways to Green-ify Your Digital Life”
This panel features Sharron Rush, Susan L. Gerhart, Lisa Pappas, and Becky Gibson. Sharron was the moderator. Susan Gerhart spoke first. She is a programmer who is slowly losing her eyesight. She talked about text to voice software and screen readers. She described Blog Talk Radio which has podcasts and supposedly has interactive text chat. … Continue reading “SXSWi: Accessible Rich Media”
New Mexico is a small state, with a small population, and very seldom the top item on most people’s radar. Nevertheless, it’s home to two of the most dynamic women you could ever hope to be awed by. I thought you’d like to get to know them. Elaine Montoya and Becky Padilla are both the … Continue reading “An Interview with New Mexico’s Dynamic Duo”
These books are valuable teaching and learning resources. I personally read and evaluated every book on this list. I only recommend books here that I find outstanding. I provided links to or other sources if you are interested in owning the books. The links to Amazon are affiliate links, links to other sites are … Continue reading “Recommended Books”
California State University (Long Beach) made the news as an early adopter of WebAdapt2Me. InTouch Newsletter, Vol. 14, No. 1: “California State University, Long Beach is the first university anywhere to adopt WebAdapt2Me, an assistive technology from IBM that removes barriers to reading for people with print disabilities. This software exploits the flexibility of web … Continue reading “IBM’s WebAdapt2Me”
Bulletproof Web Design : Improving flexibility and protecting against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS by Dan Cederholm (New Riders, 2006) makes me long for a Dan Cederholm fan club to join. The book is clear, well-illustrated, easy to use and provides helpful information. It’s landing high on my recommended list. Cederholm’s explanation of bulletproof … Continue reading “Review: Bulletproof Web Design”