This terrific new site is a step-by-step tutorial that will get you educated on CSS layout in an easy, visual style: Learn CSS Layout.
No more little boxes filled with software from Adobe Creative Suite. It’s a Creative Cloud or download only world out there, folks.
The Kickstarter project to raise $2million for a Veronica Mars movie was fully funded in less than one day. Completely amazing what the right project can do with Kickstarter. You can still get in on the action.
Yesterday Google announced it is retiring Google Reader, breaking my heart and the hearts of a lot of blog readers like myself who have a regular daily reading list. I’m going to be researching alternative RSS readers today and will have some for you by tomorrow today (see Google Reader: Oh, the Pain).
hello, I am Chinese. I like your book very much.
I bought a book last week in China, but there was no CD with the book, cloud you send the content of the CD to me!
Thank you!