New Page on the Blog for Curated News

I added a new page on the blog called Curated. It was mostly a way to get some slow loading widgets out of the sidebar and push them off to a separate page. The main page should load a little faster.

The three items I put on the new Curated page:

  • The Women in Tech slideshow from the Flickr group I administer
  • a badge and slideshow for the HTML5 News from which I constantly updated with new articles pertaining to HTML5
  • the Women in Web Education Daily from which shows tweeted links and articles from women in web education

They were nice to have in the sidebar in case you might take note of something interesting in one of the widgets while reading a blog post. I’m hoping this will fulfill a goal for a slight increase in loading speed, and that you won’t forget to take a gander at the Curated page now and then to see what’s new.

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