What were the best sellers for Web Teacher this year? Here’s are the greatest hits for 2009.
- The runaway favorite was Tip: Styling a fieldset with CSS. This post left the rest of the pack in the dust.
- The Best Job in the World: Going Viral came in second with a lot of help from StumbleUpon.
- Review: The Best New Features in Dreamweaver CS4 took third place. Thanks Adobe, for releasing new versions with such frequency.
- Adapting Dreamweaver CSS layouts to display:table rules
- Attribute Selectors in CSS
- Tip: What is a Wrapper Div?
- WebTeacher Tips This is a page, not a post, but it’s a popular page.
- Recommended Books is another popular page, which makes me happy since I devote a lot of energy to book reviews.
- Tip: Styling the label element with CSS
- Three examples of fieldsets styled with CSS
Three of the top ten posts dealt with fieldsets. The most compelling topic of the year was, ta da, fieldsets!
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