Dealing with Speculative Work at WebWorkerDaily has some good advice for the designer who’s asked to submit work on spec. This might make a good discussion springboard with students who will be eager to land clients as they head out on their own. And it might keep one of them from getting burned. I wrote something several years ago, taking the perspective of the person looking to hire a designer. You might find that useful to discuss with students, also. What to Know Before You Hire a Web Designer is the article, on my personal site.
Want to Play? is my latest BlogHer post. It’s about girl gamers and the community waiting for girls who play video games.
Years ago, when our family “game machine” was a clunky little gadget from Radio Shack and the best games were of the Pac Man generation, I watched my son become addicted to games. He still is, and he’s passed the torch to the next generation, his 12 year-old daughter.
One of the points I touch on in the BlogHer article is the skills that learners develop playing video games.
Related post: 21st Century Learner