Useful Links

A WCAG 2.0 Implemention site by Mike Cherim explains a bit about a AAA compliant site he made using WCAG 2.0 guidelines. You’ll find a link to the site. too.

SXSW Videos (not part of the official SXSW site) has lots of flavor for those who couldn’t make the event.

Hey ladies, want to go to business school? 10,000 Women is for you. Goldman Sachs says they want to help you get an MA or an MBA. Bravo to Goldman Sachs.

Earth’s climate is humanity’s operating system . . . what temperature we choose determines what functional calls we have, how stable the platform is, and what chances there are that we crash the OS and have to reboot. –Saul Griffith at How to Become Energy Literate and Battle Climate Change.

Arab Women’s Network is an interesting project helping Arab women learn to blog for a chance at an award and a role in the social media conversation.

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