I had lunch Monday with a couple of pals from BlogHer. That’s Erin on the left. We also met up with Beth. Beth had on her pimp hat and looked very “cool” for her panel about Pimp My Nonprofit. We planned to go to Chuy’s for lunch, but ended up eating at the Open Stage. I apologize to my uneaten veggie enchiladas and to Chuy’s, but I’ll be there soon to get you.
The Bloggie Awards were given out yesterday. Dooce won four awards, icanhazcheesburger took two awards, and The Pioneer Woman Cooks! took two. I don’t have a list of the other winners, but I’m sure it’s available somewhere. Information just wants to be free!
I got to talk to Claudia from Fried Okra Productions. She’s from UT.
I ran into Krista and the gang from photrade. Seems they’ve gotten their funding and are adding staff and getting ready to move out of beta. They showed me some of the new features of the site. Looking good.
In keeping with their image as the best customer service company in the world, zappos handed out rain gear to everyone heading out the door for lunch yesterday in the downpour.
I decided Frank Warren is the kindest man in America and want to go live at his house.
The coffee kiosk on level 4 ran out of biscotti right before I needed some. Life gets so hard at SXSW. Exhaustion, hangovers, overstimulation and NO BISCOTTI.
I ran into Sheila (another BlogHer) in the hall. She was with Liz Strauss. They posed for me.
I sat with Dori during the Open ID panel. That woman can multi-task! We’d swapped off goodies earlier. I got a video of her new lynda.com JavaScript movies and she got a copy of my Mastering book. Had a good visit with both Dori and Tom on Sunday.
w00t! SXSW is super fast on getting up podcasts this year. Hear the Zuckerberg interview and decide for yourself. SXSW podcasts.
The nice lady in the credit card checkout line at the Day Stage Cafe is my new best friend.
Went to the WaSP annual meeting unaware that as a new member of the Education Task Force I should sit in the front row, so I sat in the back row. Hi from the back row, folks.
Hi, Virginia, it was great to finally meet. I’ve added yet another job–blogging as The Good Musician for b5media
Best, Claudia