Have you tried to leave a comment on a Blogger blog lately without using a Blogger ID?
It’s horrible! You can choose to sign in (supposedly you can) using a WordPress blog name. But you have to be signed in to WordPress first. Yes, signed in to WordPress, check.
Next you have to put the Blogname. There’s no clue as to whether this is a URL, a name like “Web Teacher” or something else entirely. OK. So I try http://www.webteacher.ws. No go. I try www.webteacher.ws. No go. I try Web Teacher. No go. What’s left to try? How about vdebolt? No go. Tells me I need to sign in to WordPress, which I am already.
I have tried to comment on several Blogger blogs in recent weeks and can never get past this. What’s up with this, Blogger?
Technorati Tags: Blogger
Blogger has been playing around with the comment interface but, due to popular demand, has reinstated an auto-linked url for unregistered users. If you click on “Nickname”, it comes up with a prompt for inserting you URL. See this screenshot
I think you have to have OpenID or something installed – I just remember starting the process, and feeling like I was getting ready to give almighty G00gle some look into my WP acct I didn’t want them to have and just forgetting the whole thing. I have my old Blogger ID and just use that.
Brenda, I tried the nickname trick. It worked. Thanks for explaining it. Too bad the interface isn’t clear about how it works on its own.
Dawn, I haven’t created an OpenID yet. I’m holding back to see how widely it gets adopted. I do have a Blogger ID, but it isn’t to a blog I’d want as a URL on a comment link. I did see (after using the Nickname as Brenda suggested) that one of the options was “any Open ID.” Actually, after looking around a bit, I see that I may have an Open ID because of WordPress or Technorati that I was not aware I had.
It seems to accept my Google details ok
Try that Web Teacher!
I liked the original Blogger best. I think my most favorite was Modblog but it died.
Blogger belongs to Google, so a Google ID is a good way to go with a blogspot comment. But I was stymied by trying to comment using a WordPress ID. I didn’t want to use my Google ID, because I wanted to have the link attached to my name come back to this WordPress blog.