This contest has great prizes: “You can win amazing prizes including a MacBook, a MacBook PRO and the grand prize – A MacPro with Dual 30′ Cinema HD LCDs — every designers wet dream!” Crestock Photoshop Contest 2006 may assume that every Photoshop designer is male, but don’t let that stop those of you out there who aren’t subject to wet dreams from entering this great contest.
Crestock is a stock photo company. More on the contest from Crestock: “This contest is FREE to enter, and each week for four weeks, the judges will pick five photos from our image library. Your entry must be based on one or more of these photos, but you are free to do with them whatever you like. You may also use any other elements in your design, be it a space rocket, a yodeling cow, or a truckload of cheese. The Judges and the public will cast their votes, and the entry with the highest score will win.”
Roger Johansson from 456 Berea Street is one of the judges.