SWSWi: League of Technical Voters

This panel features Silona Bonewald, David Isenberg from the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Donna Kidwell, Mark Strama from the Texas House of Representatives and Christie Goodman a Texas statehouse legislative staffer. I’m interested in the topic, but I came because my old Her Domain pals from Austin, Silona and Donna, are on the panel.

I’m not going to say much about this one, because I couldn’t quite figure out what it is they were trying to do.

P.S. I’m adding this link days after the orginal post. The site is League of Technical Voters. If you check the comments for this post, you’ll see my suggestion that they need a different tagline. Here’s one idea for a tagline: To Inform and Influence Public Policy.

2 thoughts on “SWSWi: League of Technical Voters”

  1. Hello – Donna Kidwell here…
    Fair enough to say it was unclear what the League of Technical Voters is up to. We’re spending the next few months talking to technologists and legislators to figure out exactly what the League will do. In essence, the goal is to provide a forum for technologists to have an open forum with legislators, and to give them greater visibility into the legislative process so that technical issues can be addressed sooner in the process.

    If it’s not clear just ‘how’ that’s going to happen, that’s ok. We’re just starting to ask questions about what the League really is. If you have thoughts or idea, or concerns!, please let us know!

  2. Hi Donna,
    Actually I ran into Silona in the corridor at SXSW and she filled me in a bit, too. I suggested to her that you need a great tagline that explains what you’re up to. The organization name sounds like it is aimed at voters, when, if my understanding is now correct, it is meant to open a communciation channel between technical experts and legislators. I think I got lost in the discussion about process and software and was puzzling over that when the essence of your efforts to inform the legislative process with useful technical expertise was finally getting explained. I hope you’ll keep me informed as things get firmed up, because I’m definitely interested in what you’re doing.

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