And the winner is. . .

I asked my granddaughter to pick a number between one and five (yes, only five comments, nobody loves me) and she picked number three. This is Donna’s number. So, Donna, if you will email me using the link up at the top of the page and tell me whether you want a gift certificate to iTunes or Amazon, I’ll make it happen. Thanks to all of you who took the time to offer some feedback.

2 thoughts on “And the winner is. . .”

  1. Sob! I check in every day, but I didn’t post a comment ’cause I figured there’d be so many responses the odds would be overwhelming.

    I wonder how many others had the same response.

  2. I’m sorry you didn’t get in on the action, but I’m sure glad to know you’re out there. Thanks for the belated hello.

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