My thoughts on SXSW interviews

Remember the incident at SXSW with the way Sarah Lacy interviewed Mark Zuckerberg? This year it was Twitter founder Evan Williams being interviewed by Umair Haque. There wasn’t a huge uprising of anger this year, there was just a mass exodus from the room because it was sooooooo boring. Look at the remarks on Twitter … Continue reading “My thoughts on SXSW interviews”

Useful Links: Social media your presentations, Design with intent, future ed, accessibility in business

We’re all presenters–in the classroom, at conferences, among your colleagues. Here are 9 Tips for Enriching Your Presentations with Social Media. One of the tips in the article is about the backchannel, a topic I’m interested in and have talked about here and here and from SXSWi and again here as well as at BlogHer. … Continue reading “Useful Links: Social media your presentations, Design with intent, future ed, accessibility in business”

SXSW: Edupunk: Open Source Education

Jim Groom, Stephen Downs, Gardner Campbell, Barbara Ganley Edupunk an approach that results from a DIY attitude and brings the attitude of 70s punk rock bands to the classroom. Campbell. Tools to put course content online in the 90s we are problematic content delivery model. It’s become a business system rather than a relational driven … Continue reading “SXSW: Edupunk: Open Source Education”

Twitter in education

Rachel Reuben, writing at .eduGuru, asks Is Your University Using Twitter to Its Fullest Potential? She makes excellent points about how universities can monitor Twitter for mentions of special programs or their university, how they can set up accounts to manage outreach on Twitter for the university, and how to begin Twitter conversations helpful to … Continue reading “Twitter in education”