Exploring the mind of the Internet beginner

The search for information was explored from two ends of the age spectrum in “Helping Children Find What they Need on the Internet” at The New York Times and “Where’s my Googlebox?!” – adventures in search for silver surfers at iheni :: making the web worldwide.

The Google research reported on in the NYT focused on search terminology problems among children. The article pointed out,

Google has long known that it can be difficult for users to formulate the right keywords to call up their desired results. But that task can be even more challenging for children, given that they do not always have the right context for thinking about a new subject.

The research reported at iheni was done by Opera, the browser company. Here’s the introduction to that report,

I forget that at its core the web is all about ”search” so it was humbling and eye opening to spend two days in the company of 8 silver surfers aged 60 to 80 testing Opera desktop and observing, amongst other things, how they went about carrying out searches.

It’s more or less the first skill you learn when you’re new to the web (our testers had between a month and 18 months experience each) and by far the most essential. It took me right back to how I felt when I first used the web and it was fascinating to watch how people tried to differentiate between web content, a browser and a search engine, often getting it wrong but for entirely for logical reasons. Our testers all came from the analogue world with little or no experience using computers.

The Google report talked about the fact that a child had problems searching on a question about when the President’s birthday would be next year. The child didn’t realize he needed to know when the President’s birthday was before he could learn when that day would fall next year. Is this a problem that only a child would have, or would an older beginner to the Internet not realize you couldn’t just search for “when is the President’s birthday next year” and get an answer?

The Opera study found that participants had a hard time distinguishing between the search field in the web page, the browser address box and the browser search box. To Opera’s credit, they did not try to say that only the older adults they tested would have these problems. The report did have an ageist slant, but it also pointed out that these were issues belonging to beginners. Do children have problems distinguishing between the function of various search boxes found in browser windows and chrome? I’m guessing yes.

Once you know what you are doing, it’s really hard to remember how to think like a beginner and help beginners learn the basics. In my opinion, age is not a factor in beginner’s mind. That’s why articles like Opening a Window on the Mac or Fill Forms Quickly with the Tab Key are so important on the Internet. Check the positive response to my TGB Elder Geek post on the CSS border property at Time Goes By. The 60 to 80 year old crowd reading that blog don’t seem afflicted by age, only by beginner’s mind.

I’m not an expert on the beginner’s mind, but I don’t think its age dependent, especially with something so non-intuitive as the Internet. The article about the Google study reported some ideas that Google in working on to make search easier. It would be good if thinking like that were applied to everything about the Internet and the way we approach it.

Cross posted at BlogHer.
Related posts: CSS3, Silver Surfer Humbug.

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Nick Bilton on Multitasking and Media is a live-blogged report from (Re)Mixed Messages by Rachel Barenblat from PopTech. Bilton delivered many fascinating gems, which Barenblat captured with quotes like:

What does this mean for newspapers? “We talk about business models,” Bilton says, “but that’s getting ahead of what we really should be talking about — that everything about news is changing.” The devices we access news on are changing. Now we read the news on mobile phones or computers. “I have a different psychological experience with that device, and I’m going to have that same psychological experience with that news, too.”

“The relevance of news is changing.” When Teddy Kennedy died, he says, “that wasn’t news to me.” It didn’t mean anything to Bilton, but to a lot of people it did. “There was a shooting across the street from my house: that was news to me, but not to you, unless you live where I live.” Our concepts of news are changing. By the same token: if someone in my friends network gets in a car accident? That’s news to me. Bilton tells a story about a friend borrowing his cmoputer to check “the news” — meaning Facebook.

“We used to buy newspapers based on the location where we live; now we can get news from anywhere. Our concept of trust is changing. We trust the news media 29 percent and we trust our friends and family 90 percent.”

Bilton created a term “technochondria” in this talk, which @blogdiva quickly pointed out was used incorrectly. See the technochondria tweet and the technophobia tweet from @blogdiva.

Not just media, but education is changing, too. In Newsweek this week, Daniel Lyons wrote The Hype is Right: Apple’s table will reinvent computing. I might add, not just computing, but everything . . .

These devices will play video and music and, of course, display text; they will let you navigate by touching your fingers to the screen; and—this is most important—they will be connected to the Internet at all times. For those of us who carry iPhones, this shift to a persistent Internet has already happened, and it’s really profound. The Internet is no longer a destination, someplace you “go to.” You don’t “get on the Internet.” You’re always on it. It’s just there, like the air you breathe.

You don’t “get on the Internet.” You’re always on it. It’s just there, like the air you breathe. That really resonates with me and sums up a whole lot of how I feel about modern living.

Dreamweaver tip for screen shots may appeal to the Windows users who write material in Dreamweaver. I often write posts in Dreamweaver, particularly if I’m going to include code samples and don’t want to type all those character entities, but I hadn’t thought of pasting the screen grabs directly into DW in this way. Gives you access to the “headless Fireworks” image optimization tools.

How to Build a Community Web Site talks about how the creation of Ottawa Tonight. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – it’s not about the tools. It’s not about the tools. It’s about people.”