They say that two heads are better than one, and this can be especially true when it comes to the world of web design. Being able to get feedback from other skilled design professionals can help you obtain new perspectives, identify flaws in your work, and know when you’ve hit the nail on the head. You don’t have to have a network of designer friends to bounce your work off of. Several services exist today that allow you to share your work and get professional critiques. The following websites allow you to build new connections, get advice, and gain experience and expertise along the way.
Concept Feedback
Concept Feedback allows you to upload your design concepts and receive feedback from its design community for free. It’s not just you that will be getting critiqued, because in order to make the process fully interactive and functional, it requires you to give feedback on five other concepts before yours can be viewed by others in the group. The site also has a premium service that allows you to work with true experts in the field for a fee.
Five Second Test
This site is built on the premise that a great design should grab you in less than five seconds. Upload your design and it is shown to others for five seconds, and then they give you feedback on your work based on that super-quick view. It’s a great way to tweak your designs to be as attention-getting as possible in a short amount of time.
U Feed Me Back
Here’s an interesting concept: This invitation-only site allows designers to get feedback from specific top-level designers in the industry. It’s not free, though, and the fees can vary according to the talent you choose. The upside is that you know you’ll be getting high-quality critiques from leading designers and artists – and that advice can be priceless.
Please Critique Me
Upload your work in the hopes of being critiqued by a panel of experts. If your design is chosen, it will be showcased and critiqued by industry veterans at no charge. It’s the luck of the draw, so there’s no guarantee that your design will get picked to be critiqued. Meanwhile, you can check out their other critiques and reviews to learn more about what makes for great graphic design.
Where do you get design feedback? Let us know in the comments!
Author’s Bio: Brian Morris writes for the PsPrint Design & Printing Blog. PsPrint is an online commercial printing company. Follow PsPrint on Twitter @PsPrint and Facebook.