10 Quote-Worthy Comments from the first quarter of Pastry Box Project

Are you reading The Pastry Box Project each day? It’s a project where 30 web designers and developers posted a thought of their choice once a month for the past year. The Pastry Box is the brainchild of Alex Duloz, edited by Katy Watkins. Over the months I’ve been reading it, I’ve found a few choice gems I thought would be fun to collect all in one place. I scanned just the first quarter of the year and reached my self-imposed limit of 10 almost immediately. Here they are:

1. January 3, Andy Clark:

“Anything that’s fixed and unresponsive isn’t web design anymore, it’s something else.”

2. January 12, Keir Whitaker:

“Surrounding yourself with highly talented people is a sure fire way to improve your own skillset.”

3.  January 18, Stuart Langridge:

“Don’t be creative. Be a creator. No one ever looks back and wishes that they’d given the world less stuff.”

4. February 6, John Allsopp:

“Make your technology magical. Make it disappear, make it just work.”

5. February 28, Leisa Reichelt:

“What do you want your life to be? That’s how you need to spend your time.”

6. March 5, Rachel Andrew:

“In this industry we don’t have to wait until the “powers that be” recognize our talent, we can put ourselves out there, and we have the skills and tools to do it.”

7. March 15, Matthew Weier O’Phinney:

“Step away from the computer when angry.”

8. April 13, Bruce Lawson:

“The mobile pundits got it right: sites should be minimal, functional, with everything designed to help the user complete a task, and then go. But that doesn’t mean that you need to make a separate mobile site from your normal site. If your normal site isn’t minimal, functional, with everything designed to help the user complete a task, it’s time to rethink your whole site.”

9. April 14, Jon Tan:

“Fonts are like wayfinding apps for emotions.”

10. April 29, Emily Lewis:

“If there is one thing that is guaranteed to damage — if not doom — a project, it’s ego.”

Let me know if you’d be interested in reading quotes from The Pastry Box Project from May through whenever . . .

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