The Interact with Web Standards online curriculum developed by a group of volunteers at the Web Standards Project has moved from the WaSP site and now lives at the W3C. The material at the WaSP site is still there, but updating is now handled at the W3C.
The W3C took over the curriculum some time ago. It is on the Web Education Community Group Wiki. All the courses that were on the other site (for example Web Design 1, my course) are still there. Some of the courses have been updated since moving to the W3C, mine among them. Plus there are lots of new web education materials on the W3C site that have been developed and published online since the move.
Everything is still free and web-standards based. The courses are modularized for classroom use with full sets of learning objectives, learning activities, projects. Tests and project grading matrices are provided.
The site for the textbook, InterACT with Web Standards: A Holistic Approach to Web Design, remains where it has been. The book is a perfect classroom tool to use with the projects and assignments in the online curriculum.