I’m attempting to prime the pump with a few Good Guys in Tech posts of my own. I hope this encourages you to let me know about examples of men in tech who treat women as equals that you find.
One way men in tech can support women in tech is to treat what they do with the respect and support that comes from a promotional tweet. Here are a few examples, starting with good guy Jeffrey Zeldman.
More great advice on public speaking. This time from Lea Verou. lea.verou.me/2012/06/so-you…
— Jeffrey Zeldman (@zeldman) July 27, 2012
Mike Lane lets us know how the W3C is doing on equality for women in this tweet. Perhaps he wasn’t interested in the 2:2 gender ratio of the new editors, but I am.
W3C names four editors to work on HTML specification mln.im/QlPL1d
— Mike Lane (@mlane) July 27, 2012
Pratik Patel – love his enthusiasm for the ladies’ work on a panel.
Had an excellent panel on accessible books at #RWA12 with @SassyOutwater, @Smartbitches, and@LaurelMS. Awesome job everyone
— Pratik Patel (@ppatel) July 27, 2012
Here’s one from Howard Rheingold celebrating a woman’s work.
Beautiful crap detection case history by @AlisonSeaman storify.com/AlisonSeaman/c…
— Howard Rheingold (@hrheingold) July 29, 2012
Finally, advice for a woman from Dave McClure about how Yahoo! can Pass Go, collect the big money, and hold up half the sky.
Dear @MarissaMayer: Think Different. 500hats.com/pink-is-the-ne… cc @Yahoo @Women2 @500startups
— Dave McClure (@davemcclure) July 29, 2012
Finally someone who advocates for women in a field that has been dominated by men for so long. Hats off to you.