I received this as a comment from Jackie Brockhill in the post Women in Tech: Can You Help Find a Few Good Men, Part II.
I wanted to promote Jackie’s comment into a post, because it is the inaugural post in the new category on this blog: GoodGuysInTech.
As an Agile project manager, the majority of the developers that I work with are male. All with varying levels & flavours of their experience with Agile as it relates to a company or project. The team I was managing for this particular company were considered to be some of the most senior developers responsible for the foundation of the platform. Each with their own beliefs, attitudes and goals . My challenge was about demonstrating how Agile could benefit a skeptical group of developers. To do that I needed support. Luckily, Peter Seewald was able to help translate between myself & the developers. He helped explain to the group the reason behind using points to track work, the need to enter time spent on a particular task & he also showed enthusiasm for our daily scrums. I believe that the support of a male developer made my job & in the end the whole team a success.