I’m not going dark today, but I am well aware of the potential effects of SOPA/PIPA on web sites. Instead, I choose to share this video that explains the issue. You can take action by signing a petition at Fight for the Future.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
You may also be interested in the lively discussion taking place on BlogHer about danah boyd’s article We need to talk about piracy (but we must stop SOPA first).
As an author, I completely agree with the rights of those who create intellectual property of any kind (words, music, movies, whatever) to be compensated for their work. It’s how we deal with the piracy issue that’s up for debate. That’s what danah boyd is talking about in the article.
I think everyone should definitely sign the petition. This is getting major attention and it’s a really big deal. It’s really frustrating and ridiculous.
I from brazil and here everybody hate this sopa and pipa, televion por exemple show comments that influence the people! sorry for my english =P
The laws have been stopped for now, but I’m sure some version of the idea will resurface. The President even mentioned protecting intellectual property in his state of the union address, so I think we need to stay alert to what the legislature is doing.
It’s a shame that politicians think that the public is foolish enough to believe they would accept that this bill was about piracy. It’s not. The piracy won’t stop. It’s like thinking that if the world gun ban went though that all the guns will go away. Those who are going to do illegal activity will still continue to do it.
SOPA and ACTA are BAD.
Its not about the pirates anymore, its about censoring what the public can watch/see. Its the worst kind of propaganda (the equivalent? of Hitlers book burnings).
May I recommend Pinterest and the Intellectual Property Connundrum for your reading pleasure. It’s an article of mine published elsewhere, that is an exploration of the law and online copyright that includes mention of SOPA and PIPA.