Because some things are worth more than a box of cereal is a rant from The Bloggess. It points out a lot of what bloggers have to put up with these days. The other day I wrote a review of a web app called xtranormal. It seemed obvious enough that I was writing the review out of personal curiosity and not because I was asked to by anyone. But I do get asked to review many, many web apps. If I do review anything because of a PR campaign, I’ll tell you the story of why I’m writing about it.
Republicans in Congress Are More Active and More Popular on Twitter. Twitter may make a difference in the upcoming U.S. midterm elections. That shouldn’t be news to anyone. Social media influenced the 2008 elections. But the Republicans are running with it right now.
Speaking of Twitter, you can follow @CSS3, @HTML5, @HTML5Watch, and @HTML5gallery.