Useful Links: Mega 2009 Conference List, Power Twitter

The Ultra-Mega 2009 conference list–80+ events to note from Susan Mernit’s blog is supposed to indicate her interests, but it’s a useful collection of events for the tech minded. With links.

Tech Crunch made Power Twitter sound like a great thing. I gave it a try. It works right in Firefox at your usual Twitter address. Two nice things I noticed immediately. First, it displays images that are posted at Flickr. And it translates the tinyurl into meaningful link text that can help you decide whether or not to click.

My page using Power Twitter
My page using Power Twitter

For example, above the image pulled in from Flickr you see a retweet of a post about new year’s resolutions with the URL give as readable link text. In addition to Flickr photos, it also displays YouTube video right there on the page. When you search on @username, you see not just the Tweets directed at that person, but also any post where their username is mentioned somewhere other than at the start of the Tweet. I’m sure it has more nice features, that’s just what I noticed in the first three minutes using it. Download Power Twitter add-on.

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