CSS Super Scrub says it will
significantly reduce the size and complexity of your CSS by programmatically stripping unneeded content, stripping redundant calls, and intelligently grouping the remaining element names.
I gave it a try with the style sheet for this site. With just the option Indent CSS selected, it saved 4.7% on the Web Teacher style sheet.
I tried it on my home page at vdebolt.com. There CSS Super Scrub, with only the option Indent CSS selected, came back with a file that is 2.8% larger.
Same choices: I tried it on my Phoebe Snow site. This time it was 6.7% smaller. I tried it on a site a made years ago for artist Helen Gwinn. This site was created so long ago, I thought the CSS would really need help. But no, CSS Super Scrub added 1.8% to the file size.
I tried it on another site I built several years ago for jazz vocalist Mady Kaye. This time CSS Super Scrub hit the jackpot, coming back with a file size 22.3% smaller. Even so, looking at the Mady Kaye CSS now, all these years after creating it, I can see a number of places where it could be cleaned up even more than what the scrubber suggested.
I went to a site I designed more recently, New Mexico Mountain Club. Here, the scrubber saved me 8.5% in file size.
My conclusion about this tool is that it depends on your original CSS. A reduction in file size is not always a sure thing. Before you copy and use their version of your CSS, see if it’s better or worse. And, take a look at old CSS with new eyes. You’ll probably see things you realize you should have done differently, even without the Scrubber offering you suggestions.
It did a nice job on my CSS, which I’ve been hacking around quite a bit lately.
Shelleys last blog post.. Tripping into New Year
If I had selected the option to eliminate all the whitespace, I’m sure it would have done even better with my various tests. Did you select that option?
No, I wasn’t concerned on size as much as cleaning my CSS file up.
I like to leave my white space in, in case people want to view the CSS. Besides, with the size of photos I shove into my weblogs, whatever I saved wouldn’t make much of a difference.
Shelleys last blog post.. Tripping into New Year
I love CSS and knows it’s important and speed as compared to the HTML. But at starting I have wrote many CSS files, Supre Scrub help me to organize and shrink them.