Women in Tech: Maria “ubergeeke” Webster

Meet Maria Webster, aka ubergeeke, an engineering student, geek, and chronicler of what women in tech are doing at .51. She answered some questions for me to give readers an opportunity to learn more about this interesting woman.

Q: I noticed your blog, .51, or dotFiveOne, when you first registered at BlogHer and have been following you ever since. Your blog’s tagline is “Geekspace for Women.” Tell us a little about your reasons for starting the blog.

A: Last spring, I was searching the web for sites about and for women in technology. As an engineer-in-training and a lifelong geek, I wanted a site that spoke to me personally about the technical interests I have. I
wanted to see a site that focused on what women were doing in tech and not necessarily about the trials we face. I couldn’t find such a site, and I was *very* surprised. So I built one.

The whole purpose of dotFiveOne is to focus on what women are *doing*. There are many great sites for women who need support in their fields, who want to network with other women, who want to explore the challenges we experience in our endeavors. I want to celebrate our accomplishments.

Read the full interview at BlogHer.

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