Event: Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006

Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006: Home Page: “The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 (IWMW) will be held at the University of Bath on 14-16th June 2006. The event will provide an opportunity for those involved in the provision of institutional Web services to hear about institutional case studies, national initiatives and emerging technologies and to actively participate in a number of parallel sessions.”

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National summit for community wireless networks in St. Charles, MO

Imagine & Implement: The 2006 National Summit for Community Wireless Networks: “The Summit is the largest gathering of community wireless networking developers, implementers and allies focused on building the alliance of technologists, policy experts, and implementers, and encouraging participants to discuss the great variety of challenges and opportunities facing the movement, including:

  • How can community wireless networks better serve their target populations?
  • What is the future of unlicensed spectrum and what policies and regulations will support/hamper innovations in community wireless technologies?
  • How can the hundreds of independently-operating community wireless initiatives join together to create a positive future for the movement?
  • What technological and software innovations do we already have, and what projects are currently being worked on?
  • What are the pros and cons of different wireless systems currently available?”

Higher Ed BlogCon 2006

Higher Ed BlogCon – Transforming Academic Communities with New Tools of the Social Web. is an all online conference. Higher Ed BlogCon will focus on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, vblogs and other digital tools in a range of areas in academe, including (thus far): Teaching, Admissions, Alumni Relations, and Communications & Marketing, Web sites and Web Development, Library & Information Resources. Guidelines and proposals for submission information can be found at the site linked to previously, and at this auxiliary site: Preparations for HigherEd BlogCon 2006 – Overview.