Planet PDF – A world of Adobe Acrobat pdf news, tools, tips and resources.
Category: UsefulLinks
Tutorial Site
This site has tutorials in Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, Ebay, QuickTime and Mac OS 9.1. CBT Cafe :: Computer Based Training Cafe
Source for tableless layouts : CSS layout techniques offers up 2, 3, and 4 column layouts with the stylesheets ready to use immeditely. Wonderful resource.
Help students choose a color scheme
Palette Man has an interesting interface for trying out various color schemes. Students can use it to find a set of four colors and see how they like the combination. All Web safe colors. Color Schemer has a color tool for sale and an online version that supplies you with a set of compatible colors for any web safe color you pick. Very nice tool. An online color site somewhat similar to Pallette Man is Web Color Visualizer which allows you to change background and text colors to test how they look.
CSS tool for Windows
TopStyle Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Editor is an excellent CSS tool. It is Windows only, but offers a clear interface for creating style sheets, provides lots of tips about what may or may not work with various browsers, and is highly rated.
Use PDF format to demo Web site
Adobe Acrobat is a great tool for Web design professionals to use to demonstrate a “beta” version of a Web site design for a client. In the past, I encouraged students to show clients the look and feel of a Web site with an image created in PhotoShop. However, Acrobat will convert an entire Web site into a single PDF file which can be clicked through, commented on, and “feels” like a Web site. It is a small file size suitable for email attachment. The client can approve or comment on a design without any HTML being made available, then mail the PDF file back to the designer. While the designer must use the full version of Adobe Acrobat, the client only needs the widely used Acrobat Reader.
Magazine for Designers Cross-training for Web Teams is a regular publication with helpful information on Web authoring, design, style sheets, browsers and Web tools. You can sign up to be reminded of each new issue by email.