Useful Links: Snow Leopard and AT, HTML5 and RDFa, Flash accessibility, and writing tips

Snow Leopard Assistive Technology Compatibility List is a very helpful compilation of what works and what doesn’t work on Snow Leopard. From ATMac.

There are so many posts about HTML 5 and RDFa flying around these days that it’s hard to keep up with them all. But here’s one that takes a different approach, Burningbird’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: RDFa and HTML5’s Microdata.

Wendy Chisholm chimes in with What I’m Watching about HTML 5.

Adobe Flash Accessiblity: Best Practices is must reading for anyone teaching or using Flash. From Erik Johnson at Six Revisions.

FatDUX has 20 tips for writing for the web that are a great lesson for beginners and a good reminder for the folks who’ve been at it a while.