Useful Links: CSS3 dropdown, Facebook metrics, Manage Twitter

CSS3 Dropdown Menu from Web Designer Wall is a beautiful menu and a well written and illustrated tutorial. Great piece of work.

How are you using metrics, benchmarks, and experiments to improve your Facebook presence? is posted on Facebook by Beth Kanter. ) She’s focused on nonprofits, but mentions some tools that would work on the metrics for any Facebook fan page.

Manage Twitter appManage Twitter is a new app that examines the people you follow on Twitter to see who’s active, who’s relevant to you, who doesn’t follow you back. All in the name of helping you pare down the list of who you’re following by finding the right people to unfollow.

It gives you a list of all the people who aren’t following you back. You can hover over each Twitter account and see how active they are and how long they’ve been tweeting. Leave the checkbox selected next to the account name to delete all the folks you no longer want to follow. I found a lot of people I follow, such as the still Twitter-clueless ABC Public Libraries, that I want to follow, even though they don’t follow me. But I did eliminate some people who were no longer relevant.

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